Produse pentru camioane pentru lucru (10)

Cărucior platformă albastru

Cărucior platformă albastru

Wózki platformowe przeznaczone są do przemieszczania różnych ładunków w magazynach, sklepach, halach produkcyjnych, a także na zewnątrz budynków. Udźwig wózków waha się do 500 kg w zależności od rodzaju zamontowanych kół. Wymiary zewnętrzne wózków dostosowane są do norm europejskich, co pozwala na transport skrzynek plastikowych o różnych wymiarach zewnętrznych. Wózki są produkowane zarówno z blachy walcowanej, jak i stali profilowanej. Wózki platformowe są wyposażone w 2 koła skrętne i 2 koła obrotowe ułatwiające manewrowanie (można zamontować dowolne koło).


Jeu de câbles de travail en métal, compatibles avec les wagons monoplaces, avec extrémités marteaux cylindriques, insérés en Zamak.
Camion vechi stil indian canapea lungă din automobil lucrată manual - Bănci pentru living

Camion vechi stil indian canapea lungă din automobil lucrată manual - Bănci pentru living

Old Truck Indian Style Handcrafted Automobile Long Bench Sofa - Living Room Benches SKU:SS2701 Dimensions:240 × 75 × 65 cm
Camioane de transport

Camioane de transport

UTILISATION : Transport sur voies de divers matériels tels que : rails, traverses, voies toutes montées, appareils de voies, etc... AVANTAGES : Robustes, conformes aux conditions de circulation sur voies. Corps Capacité de charge (Tonnes) Références Poids net Lorry simple Voie 1,44 m (Kg) Lorry simple Avec Plaque Pivotante et coulissante avec potence de chargement de rail (x) Acier Aluminium Acier Acier Acier Acier 5 5 10 15 20 50 S5 AS5 S10 S15 S20 S50 S5PC - S10PC S15PC - - - - S10PCR S15PCR - - 100 80 175 240 270 330 (x) POTENCE de CHARGEMENT de RAIL La potence peut être positionnée : soit au centre du lorry soit à une extrémité du lorry Ces lorrys permettent le Chargement, le Déchargement et le Transport des rails en chantier. Lorry avec potence - Réf. PCR OPTIONS : - Dispositif de freinage par sabots en bois (ou polyuréthane), commandé par levier à main (ou vis de serrage). - Roues (en acier - aluminium - Nylon) selon demande. Voir également : PLATEAUX-LORRYS LEGERS - Manuels - Motorisés Une large gamme de plateaux-lorrys est disponible : (Voir Fiches produits Plateaux-lorrys légers manuels et Plateaux-motorisés dans la rubrique Transports et Rails silencieux).
Braț oscilant pentru camion

Braț oscilant pentru camion

4-spindle solution with HSK-A100 on MFZ Machining of the free cut with 4 spindles possible OP 10 and OP 20 are processed in one machine Unit times less than 50s possible
Prelată pentru Camioane cu Lățimea de 2,50 Metri 680 gr/m² Marfă pe Metru

Prelată pentru Camioane cu Lățimea de 2,50 Metri 680 gr/m² Marfă pe Metru

LKW Plane in 680 gr/m² Verschiedene Farben Deutschland: 680 gr/m²
Sisteme de Inspecție pentru Stivuitoare - Verificări de siguranță și întreținere pentru cărucioare cu pompă

Sisteme de Inspecție pentru Stivuitoare - Verificări de siguranță și întreținere pentru cărucioare cu pompă

Good to go Safety pallet truck inspection checklists is ideal for ensuring pallet trucks are maintained in a good working order Simply attach a tag to the pallet truck handle in a position for maximum visibility and then use the checklist to carry out a pre-use pallet truck inspection. Remove the top copy of the completed pallet truck checklist and place inside the tag (a duplicate NCR copy is retained in the book for management/maintenance records). The tag will clearly advise users if a fault has been found and indicate a “Do Not Use” message, or if all checks were satisfactory then users will be advised that the pallet truck is “Good to Go”. The frequency of inspection will be dependent on findings of a risk assessment with a bare minimum of an annual inspection being required. In areas of daily use, in harsh environments or high risk of collisions then the frequency may be increased to weekly or daily checks. This system is totally flexible to meet your needs.
Basculantă Monocoque Izolată

Basculantă Monocoque Izolată

Spécialistes des bennes pour le BTP, nous fabriquons dans notre atelier des bennes TP monocoques calorifugées pour le transport d'enrobés.
Containere Termic Containere de Asfalt 6 m³, Container Izolat, - Bazin Termic WROCBUD

Containere Termic Containere de Asfalt 6 m³, Container Izolat, - Bazin Termic WROCBUD

Containerabmessungen: Breite 220 cm, Länge 320 cm, Höhe 120 cm Andere Abmessungen möglich! (ohne Aufpreis) Beschreibung: Inhalt ca. 6 m³, Einkammer Außenmaße ca. Breite: 2,20 m, Länge: 3,20 m, Höhe: 1,2 m Temperaturhaltung: 5-7 Grad Temperaturverlust nach 8 h 1 Entleeröffnung, Auslaufrutsche Zweiteiliger Deckel-Türen 2,5 m x 1,20 m 4 Ölsen oben (zur Befestigung) Gabelstaplertaschen im Boden möglich Leiter Hochisollierende 100 mm Dämmstoff - Boden, Wände und Türen grundiert und lackiert RAL nach Ihrer Wahl, Ihre Logo möglich Warnstreifen Weitere Volumen auf Anfrage: 1 m³, 2m³, 3m³, 4m³, 5m³, 7m³, 8m³, 9m³, 10m³
Mașini pentru lucrări pe calea ferată - Mașină de curățare a balastului (mobilă cu camionul)

Mașini pentru lucrări pe calea ferată - Mașină de curățare a balastului (mobilă cu camionul)

USE : Cleaning of the ballast as needed under the track. (for tracks with wooden or concrete sleepers) ADVANTAGES : Economical Machine for ballast cleaning work on the track, in the station, etc ... - DEUTZ 150 KW diesel engine - 173 HP - can be transported by truck on the site work. - Ballast cleaning efficiency 35-40 m./hour - Maximum depth of ballast under the sleepers = 20 cm - Start-up time = 20 min. by 3 Operating Agents - The clearing of the soils can be made on wagon in adjacent track, or on wagon in front of the machine. - This machine is ESSENTIAL FOR ALL MAINTENANCE TRACK WORKS, avoiding the complete dismantling of the track (Rails + Sleepers) - The putting into service and TRAINING are insured by our After Sales Service. - Weight : about 10 tons - Reference : KGM-4